Thursday 10 July 2014

Love Is A Wonderful Thing....!!

77th BLOG POST -->>
Parveen Kumar Sahrawat

Again a post on love I’ve posted now but without your response I don’t know actually what’s going because I get less response about written post. Now again a lecture on Love with poem lines. Based on love blog post some friends giving me Upadhi of love guru and asking me tips. I’m sorry, I can’t give any tips because I’ve not played any Romantic or Aashique type role in real life like as Ajay Devgn, Amitabh Bachchan or Shah Rukh Khan ….!! :-) To ab suru karte hai aage ki love katha and I’m sure you’ll like it.

  Love is a powerful thing. Love can turn a person’s life into a journey full of excitement. While there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. Unfortunately, our society has distorted the true principles of beauty. Beauty is not about a person’s physique but beauty is about a person’s personality. When we are attracted by a person’s inner beauty, their out beauty simply becomes an addition to the person that we find ourselves inwardly attracted to.

          True love causes us to pay close attention to those that we are attracted to. We take note of their physical makeup, but, more importantly, we pay careful attention to their personal needs. Not only should we notice these needs, but we should, to the best of our ability, consistently be seeking to meet those very needs. 

          We are to become so in love with that one person that God has created specifically for us that all of our desires are centered on them and on them alone. True love is a lasting commitment to love without condition and to love without ending. It is a strong love in both the good times and the bad.  It is by God’s design that two people are brought together, to be together. It is no longer one person living alone, it is now two individuals living together and seeking to fulfill God’s perfect will together.  Some beautiful lines are given below:-

Love is a wonderful thing
Whom it happens to, it just happen
The crazy heart gets lost
When the crazy heart gets lost then god help us

Friends, this life’s stories are weird
See how in this way we both have meet
Looking into the sky at night
I look at this one star
It reminds me of how close yet far apart we are

My heart says to you
Now we should be friends
The crazy heart gets lost
When the crazy heart gets lost, then god helps us
Love is a wonderful thing,
Whom it happens to, it just happen

Turn your world into one sweet dream
Take your heart and make it sing
A rhythm of love is there in every heartbeat
Playing the heart’s rhythm I am lost in love

It will be great fun when
It will be great fun when the ambience is romantic
Love is a wonderful thing,
Whom it happens to, it just happen

The crazy heart gets lost
When the crazy heart gets lost, then god help
Love is a wonderful thing,
Whom it happens to, it just happen

           I read a beautiful quote written on a wall as written below:-
“Surely Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the marketplace. It may not be purchased of the merchants, for can it be weighed out in the balance for gold.”

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