Friday, 22 May 2020

Solo Traveler With Just A Backpack....!!

111th BLOG POST -->>

Traveler With A Backpack
Traveler With A Backpack
          Months ago, For this May I planned to go for adventure holiday trekking for 15 days but unfortunately due to lockdown it canceled by organization. But it’s okay I’m enjoying lockdown at home with family. In future I’ll do this trekking. If I were to mention one thing that I learnt about myself during this lockdown, it would be the fact that I don't really miss being outdoors. And I really thought I would. Isn't it at times like these that it actually shows how we as humans are so adaptive? Who would've thought we could stay indoors as a collective world, irrespective of the differences? Isn't it more about the inward journeys sometimes? I spent writing some new ideas, teaching students on online platform, cooking and even setting myself some fitness goals. However this lockdown did help me to a point where I felt more energized to work and self-introspect.

Almost three years ago, I embraced a nomadic life. This journey has taken me as far within as with my feet. During this time I was a Solo traveler with a backpack. But before this I struggled with disturbing visions that made my sleep a nightmare. I worked like a maniac, almost stopped outside communication, lived like a robot and swirled deep in my thoughts, lost and gone. I was almost alone and doing my research work all day and at night I’m doing my work for professional blogging and in day time I was also watching institute. All these work was going parallel. After that I did my best to disappear into a black hole for good. Depression and anxiety don’t stem from fixed events. Everyone has their own demons, mine hounded me for some time but I always brushed it aside until it became bigger than life that I couldn’t carry on anymore. I’m a living proof to tell you that not all happy pictures that you see on social media depict the person’s life. Sometimes, maybe, you have to crash and burn & let yourself fall into the darkest pit to find strength to bounce back. And to realize life is beautiful.

Parveen Kumar Sahrawat in Malwa Superfast Express.
Facebook Memories of Malwa Superfast 
          Yesterday, This Facebook status is to remind me of many memories of my train journey, that update three years ago. It reminds me of a traveling where I shared a snack shared with Canadian NRI co-passenger going to Amritsar. A long chit chat with my Co-passenger Mr. Vikram Bajwa belongs to Gurdaspur, who guide me about tourism in Punjab state. During waiting of train to Delhi, a sleepless night at Jaipur railway station in winter session. At midnight searching for favorite food at Kanpur Central Railway Station but what I got only Rajma Chawal. Paint of Tricolor by focus light at Varanasi railway station. Reminds me of listening to a Bollywood song Tujhse Naraz Nahi Zindagi at Shimla Railway Station at early morning when first ray of sun light come on station. In Ludhiana based roadways bus, I was traveling for a long journey at late night where my co-passenger was a girl alone, she was shivering with cold due to rain and I closed all doors and my window and also asked to all sides co-passenger to close window for her and asked her is comfortable now or need anything. Once I injured in Rajasthan Sampark Kranti express during helping a lady to open the window. And one of the amazing journey just before the lockdown was in Ranikhet Express, where in a coach we’re only seven passengers, and almost train was empty. etc etc etc..

Now I miss the feeling of reaching late at night in a new city before getting a train waiting at railway station at late night or early morning. As I roll out of the railway station, I picking up my bags, figuring some transport, staring at the city lights and taking a deep breath and I find the air smells different, the language sounds different, the people look different, I feel different. I miss the feeling of waking up in a strange bed of hotels, in a strange city. Taking that first walk in a strange street of the city. Navigating a strange system of local buses, rickshaws or auto. Reading strange names on the sign board and Google map. I try to ask some local shopkeepers, then a stranger smiles at me and helps me figure out my way and suddenly everything feels familiar. During staying to some city, to some remote part of the mountains, to somewhere I can feel the full brunt of my solitude. The liberation, the loneliness, the thrill, all mixed in. I’m trying to be grateful for this time to reboot and rethink life. But I miss the feeling of being on the road. I miss who I am on the road.

WhatsApp chat moment for a status uploaded about train journey 
WhatsApp Moment about Train Journey
            During that time my WhatsApp statuses were always full of bus and train journey along with street view I’m passing through. And then viewers started asking am I living in train all the time? After that I decrease the number of status on train but increase the status on social issues and with increasing natural photography I’ve done during traveling. It reminds me of some WhatsApp conversations, I’m sharing two snapshots here of 2018.

Some friends were asking me why I’m not sharing any photos on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform but shared some on WhatsApp. It’s true I’m sharing on WhatsApp but they are also a few photos. Those photos I’m sharing on WhatsApp are only for story telling purpose. I never thought about taking pictures and uploading on social media. My gallery is full of photos of travelling, visit to fort sites and historical museums, wedding functions, institute’s parties and functions etc.. But never come in mind to upload here. Places I've traveled solo, you’ll not find me properly in picture frame except selfies that's why I'm not sharing such pictures. But will take care from now on about uploading pictures on social media platform. Now I'm thinking to buy a DSLR camera for photography purpose. There are a lot of thing to discuss about this topic but it’s enough now to talk about this experience.  

After three years, here I am beaming at my life, smiling contently. Just that this time, I know I don’t have to be happy all the time. Being a sometimes happy, sometimes confused, sometimes lonely person is perfectly okay.  And after this lockdown, I'll not only value freedom, but also the sense of just being more. I probably wouldn't want to work in a grand bucket list of things but focus on smaller ideas everyday. By breathing more, being mindful of my surroundings, working on content that genuinely inspires me and not because everyone else is doing it. Stay Home Stay Safe from COVID19.


Parveen Kumar Sahrawat

Monday, 20 April 2020

Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai ....!!

110th BLOG POST -->>
       कोरोना वायरस के परीक्षण और अशांति के समय में आप सबको प्यार और अभिवादन....।।
At Monuments of the Sayyid dynasty in 2018.
पूरी दुनिया में कोरोना वायरस का खतरा मंडरा रहा है। कोरोना वायरस के प्रसार के बीच भारत ने 21 दिनों के लॉकडाउन के बाद अब अगले 19 दिनों के लिए लॉकडाउन में रखा गया है, हमें सरकार के निर्देशों का सख्ती से पालन करने की जरूरत है। दूसरी ओर, लॉकडाउन के कारण, हर कोई अपने घरों में कुछ रचनात्मक कार्य अपना रहा है। मैं कुछ ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म पर छात्रों के साथ शिक्षण और बातचीत करके अपना समय बिता रहा हूं और कुछ भूले बिसरे मित्रो से संपर्क करने का प्रयास भी कर रहा हूँ ।
कुछ दिन पहले हॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री और निर्माता Vanessa से मेरी whatsapp पर बात हुई तो पता चला की सुपरपावर देश यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स अमेरिका की हालत क्या हैं। सुपर पावर माने जाने वाले अमेरिका की हालत बहुत चिंताजनक है। उन्होंने बताया की लोगों को दवा / उपचार नहीं मिल रहा है। लोग इलाज के लिए इतने लाचार हैं।  उसने मुझे कुछ हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन भेजने के लिए भी कहा। लेकिन यहा से lockdown में भेजना असंभव था फिर मैंने भारत से अमेरिका भेजी गयी हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्वीन के बारे में बताया। वह एक अफ्रीकी देश नाइजीरिया में लॉकडाउन से वही एक होटल रूम में बंद हैं। अमेरिका ने इस संकट के दौरान बहुत कम लोगों को एयरलिफ्ट किया है। भारत एकमात्र देश है जिसने इस कोरोना संकट में बड़े पैमाने पर एयरलिफ्ट किया। लोगों को ईरान, रोम, चीन और इटली से बचाया गया है, जिनमें से कुछ कोरोना (सीओवीआईडी ​​-19) की चपेट में थे। नागरिकों की सुरक्षा अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है, विशेष रूप से चुनौतीपूर्ण समय में और दुनिया कोरोना वायरस-पीड़ित देशों से भारतीय नागरिकों को वापस लाने के लिए प्रशंसा कर रही है। भारत और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के बीच प्रयास में बहुत अंतर है। नरेंद्र मोदी के नेतृत्व में, भारत अब तक अच्छा कर रहा है और इस संकट में भी दुनिया का नेतृत्व कर रहा है। अमेरिका और विश्व के अन्य देशों से भारत की तुलना करें और देखें कि हम कहां हैं। इलाज के रूप में भारत दुनिया को हाइड्रोक्सीक्लोरोक्विन दे रहा है। नेवर फॉरगेट इंडिया इज ग्रेट। भारत "वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम" के दर्शन में विश्वास करता है, जिसका अर्थ है कि पूरा विश्व एक ही परिवार है। 
WhatsApp Chat Screen Shot
हालाँकि इस whatsapp पर बातचीत के दोरान कुछ बुरी खबर भी सुनने को मिली की इस कोरोना वाइरस से इनके कुछ मित्रोँ की मौत हो गयी और जो कुछ इस चपेट में है उन्हें इलाज नहीं मिल रहा है। ऐसे लोंगो को घर पर रहने के लिए भी कहा जा रहा हैं। जब भी हमें किसी बुरी खबर के बारे में चेतावनी दी जाती है, तो हम हमेशा ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करना शुरू कर देते हैं कि हम कुछ ऐसा न सुनें जिसकी हम भरपाई या मरम्मत नहीं कर सकते। जीवन में बहुत सी चीजें हैं जो मरम्मत या भरपाई योग्य हैं और कुछ ऐसी भी हैं जिन्हें हम पहले की तरह नहीं बना सकते है। ज़िन्दगी में कभी-कभी अप्रिय घटनाएँ होती है। सबसे बुरी खबर जो किसी को सुनाई जा सकती है वह किसी की मृत्यु के बारे में है। नहीं नहीं बिल्कुल नहीं, यह केवल किसी के बहुत करीबी की मृत्यु के बारे में नहीं है, उस समय भले ही आप सुनें कि आपका शत्रु / दुश्मन नहीं रहा है या फिर आप उसको जानते ही नहीं हो, उसके बारे में ऐसा सुनके  आपको बुरा लगता है। क्योंकि आप कभी किसी के मरने की कामना नहीं करते। हां, हम कुछ ऐसे लोगों को, पड़ोसी को, रिश्तेदार को या सरकारी कर्मचारियों को कोसते हैं जो हमें या किसी अन्य को परेशान करते हैं लेकिन फिर भी जब हम सुनते हैं कि वो बदमाश / शैतान अब इस प्रथ्वी लोक पर नहीं रहा, तो हमें बुरा लगता है। मृत्यु अपरिवर्तनीय है और ऐसा डरावना विचार है जिसे वापस नहीं लाया जा सकता है। इस तथ्य को पचाना हमेशा कठिन होता है। लेकिन फिर भी जो सबसे बुरा हुआ वो आपको स्वीकार करना होगा।
हर किसी की विचारधारा और मानसिकता में अंतर होता हैं जिसके कारण इन रिश्तों में विवाद हो जाते हैं कोई भी विवाद मत भिन्नता के कारण नहीँ, मानसिकता में अंतर के कारण होता हैं कलहपूर्ण मानसिकता शुभ को भी अशुभ बना देती है और सुलहपूर्ण मानसिकता अशुभ को भी शुभ में परिवर्तित कर देती है। अगर आप मुझसे पूछे कि अगर मेरा कोई शत्रु है तो उसके लिए में क्या चाहूँगा? मेरे शत्रुओं / दुश्मनों के लिए सबसे बुरी बात यह है कि मैं उन्हें अपने जीवन भर संघर्ष करते देखना चाहता हूं लेकिन मैं उनकी मरने की दुआ कभी नहीं करूंगा। नहीं, कभी नहीं। आप अपने आसपास किसी भी रिश्ते को देखिये, आप ऐसी कामना नहीं करंगे। जब कोई आपसे नाराज हो जाये या आपके प्रयास के बाद भी बात ना करे तो बहुत बुरा लगता हैं। जब किसी के साथ एक रिश्ता टूट जाता है तो सबसे बुरा यह होता है कि कोई दोस्त को, भाई को, प्रेमी को या उनको जिससे जो रिश्ता टुटा है उसको कोसता है कि वह उसे एक संघर्षपूर्ण दौर में देखना चाहेगा। लेकिन इन सभी प्रकार के रिश्तो को लेकर हम कभी नहीं कहते हैं कि मैं आपको किसी दिन मृत देखना चाहता हूं। यह सत्य है कि यह कहना सबसे बुरा है जो कोई भी कह सकता है। और अगर कोई यह कहता है तो मैं कहूंगा कि वह समाज का एक बहुत ही खतरनाक पहलू है, उसे जांच के दायरे में रखा जाना चाहिए क्योंकि यदि कोई इस स्तर तक हृदयहीन है, तो वह किसी भी समय किसी को भी नुक्सान पहुचा सकता है। एक पल के लिए कल्पना कर के देखना, सफेद बिस्तर की चादर में लिपटे हुए किसी व्यक्ति की कल्पना करना कितना मुश्किल है, जैसे नथुने के अंदर कपास की कलियों के साथ, एक पीला पीला शरीर, भावनाहीन, आँखें फिर से कभी नहीं खोलने के लिए बंद हो गईं आदि आदि ।
मुझे याद है किसी क्लासिक चलचित्र में हीरो से पुछा जाता है कि “अगर आपको भगवन से मिलने का मौका मिले तो आप उनसे क्या मांगोगे ?"  उन्होंने कहा कि मेरी इच्छा होगी, "हे भगवान, कृपया मेरे माता-पिता को कभी भी मरने न दें जब तक कि मैं पृथ्वी पर जीवित हूं"। यह सुनकर हॉल में ताली और चीख की गूँज के साथ गरज-भरी प्रतिक्रिया हुई। मुझे यह देखकर बहुत खुशी हुई।
मौत हर किसी को डराती है, मुझें भी डराती है लेकिन मुझे इस तरह डराती है कि जिन लोगों को मैं जानता हूं, उनकी मुझे फ़िक्र हैं। एक दोस्त ने मुझे बताया कि कैसे उसके एक मित्र ने आत्महत्या की, मैं इस बारे में सोचने के बजाय किसी और चीज़ पर ध्यान केंद्रित नहीं कर पा रहा था कि कोई ऐसा क्यों करेगा जिसके कारण दूसरे लोग कभी भी अपनी इच्छाओं को पूरा नहीं कर सकते हैं जो केवल उनके साथ कल्पना की जाती है। अगर मैं अपने आसपास कुछ लोगों को खो देता हूं या नाराज होकर मुझसे दूर चले जाते हैं और बातचीत नहीं करते हैं, तो मेरा जीवन हमेशा अधूरा रहेगा। हालांकि मैं आगे बढ़ूंगा लेकिन मुझे हमेशा लगेगा कि जिंदगी में कुछ गायब है।
हम जिसको चाहतें है, जिन्हें प्यार करते है, जिनको दोस्त कहते है, जिनके साथ हमारी भावनाये जुड़ीं हुईं है, जिन मशहूर हस्तियों से हम प्यार करते हैं, जिन दिग्गजों को हम पहचानते हैं, जिन गायकों को हम सुनते हैं, जिन कलाकारों को हम पसंद करते हैं, हम हमेशा उनके लिए लंबी उम्र और अच्छे स्वास्थ्य की कामना करते हैं। हम कभी नहीं चाहते कि उनकी रचनात्मकता स्तर गिराए, उनको भावनात्मक चोट पहुचाएं। हम हमेशा चाहते हैं कि वे अपने स्तर का प्रसार करें और उस कलात्मकता की संख्या में वृद्धि करें जो वे करने में सक्षम हैं।
Moments of the Vegas, Dwarka
 हर बार जब मैं अकेला होता हूं, मैं उन सभी क्षणों के विचार में खो जाता हूं जब वो मेरे सम्पर्क में थे। मैं जिसे खो चुका हूं, वो जब याद आये तब उसके लिए चीखना चिल्लाना तो नहीं कर सकता लेकिन मैं यह सब बता सकता हूं कि वह कोई बहुत खास था। किसी का अस्तित्व वापस नहीं लौट सकता ना ही कोई और उसकी जगह हो सकता है, हम उसे केवल किसी ओर में देख सकते है। चरित्र, व्यक्ति, जीवित इकाई अद्वितीय और अमर बनी हुई है। इसे किसी और के द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित नहीं किया जा सकता है। अगर किसी के जाने के बाद की यादें बनी हुई हैं तो यही एकमात्र मानदंड है जो हमें यह महसूस कराता है कि जो भी चला गया है वह हमारे करीब कहीं रहता है, हमारे पास रहता है और जो भी स्थिति आती है उसमें हमेशा हमारे साथ खड़ा रहता है। मुझे आशा है कि आत्मा हर अच्छे और निर्दोष की शांति में रहती है जिसने पृथ्वी को छोड़ दिया है। ईश्वर उन सभी को स्वर्ग का आशीर्वाद दे। मौत डरावनी है और अब से यह मुझे सबसे ज्यादा डराता है लेकिन मेरी नहीं बल्कि दूसरों की जो मेरे अपने है, दोस्त है जिन्हें मैं प्यार करता हूँ और चाहता हूँ। आशा करते है कि कोरोना वायरस जल्द ही नियंत्रण में होगा
आप सभी सपरिवार सुरक्षित और स्वस्थ रहें....।।


Parveen Kumar Sahrawat

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Things To Be Respected In Society….!!

109th BLOG POST -->>

The threat of corona virus is looming all over the world. With India having been placed in a lockdown for 21 days amid the spread of corona virus, various celebrities have come out to advise people to stay inside their homes. Government has been trying to spread the message that to defeat corona virus, self-isolation and quarantine are the most effective defense mechanism. We need to follow government instruction strictly. On the other hand, due to lockdown, everyone is adopting some creative work in their homes. Some are remembering their old time spent before lockdown by posting photos on social media I'm spending my time by teaching and interacting with students on some online platform. I’m also sharing some moments captured before lockdown. I write this blog post after watching a reality show, in that show respect was a big issue among all contestants.

All peoples have different views on gaining and giving respect. Everyone wants to be respected, but that respect needs to be earned. Respect is something not automatically given. It must be earned. Whenever it comes to gaining respect in life, people try several things. Some of them go out of their tracks to do something that will make them look different but end up looking horrible and funny while some get successful in their adventure. I’ve always wanted myself, my parents, my friends, their parents and almost everyone connected directly or indirectly to me, to be respectful in society. Any time when I see any of them getting dishonor and being made fun of, I feel very sad. I wish that I could do something for them but then I sit back and continue doing my stuffs. But I try to do as much as I can.
Moments of The Vegas, Dwarka

We’ve seen many examples of cricketer like MS Dhoni, Sachin Tendulkar, Saurav Ganguly etc who never lost his track to bring his friend on track. Like game we’ve seen such politician who didn't lose his position by supporting his or her friend who was doing wrong at the moment. Being followers of such personalities, I think why should I go and keep suggesting my friends to be respectful than doing some funny sorts of thing in life to make fun of themselves. I’m providing them free advice for once or twice but I don't have all time in life to suggest them such things. There are some basic things which make us respectful; I would like to discuss them in this post.

First I’ll talk about our saving. In today's fast moving time, saving is necessary and he/she should know the art of spending their money. But people have a big false notion that the way they spend their money is what makes them popular and respectful in society. The importance of saving money is rarely disputed. Sometimes they never concentrate on the basic thing and will end up spending so much of their money which could have been saved for the future. it's true that once they'll do this and will regret later. Purpose of doing this what they prefer is to look rich and luxurious among people. But the fact is that people respect those who have quite money in their bank account than the amount of money they spend in their life. In our society a sweeper is respected because he/she has 10 lakhs in his/her bank account that he/she got after selling her land. While a family who has many luxury cars and bikes aren't respected only because they're in heavy loans and bank agents keep coming to their house on regular basis to recover the loan amount. Hence try to save as much as possible than spending. Savings of one rupee can also add up to Rs. 30 at the end of the month which is enough to fill your stomach in extreme hunger and misery.

In the second point, I'll talk about the property. I’ve seen and experienced the life of living from a village and town to metro cities. In metro city's society what I've seen is that, some families who are on rent are never called upon in the special functions such as marriages, engagements, receptions, anniversaries, birthdays etc because the flat owners believes that all these peoples are here for temporary basis and will leave the society when they want, so why to waste money on such family. But in village and town level such things doesn’t exist. Every time a new resident comes in any area then people living nearby start inquiring whether he's an owner of the flat (purchased here) or is on rental-basis. Once his nearby people will come to know that they have some flats, plots, and bungalow and have a setup business in different areas or they've government job, nearby people will start respecting him. By the way building a property takes lots of courage and conviction. Not everyone in India has their own home. Everyone would want to have at least a roof over their head in any phase of life or even in extreme cases of poverty. So save your money as soon as you get job and start investing in properties.
Train Traveling Moments Of Janshatabdi Express....
Traveling Moments Of Janshatabdi Express.
Next point is your standard of living should be good. A standard is a statement about how you live your life, what is the level of behavior that you follow. To raise the quality of your life, set higher standards if possible. Standards are codes of behavior that you choose to live by because you know they will make your life contended. Because they are the things that you personally honor, you need not declare them to the outside world. The standards can be about your work-life balance, health, soul, relationship, approach to finance, how we wearing clothes and just about any area of life that you wish to improve. Let’s suppose you've lots of money, properties and doing a good job etc but you don't dress properly, you don't go to good restaurants whenever you go, you don't keeping cleanliness like at your home, not talking people properly, you aren't workaholic etc, and people will still reserve themselves from respecting you or thinking highly about you. Now you tell me yourself - would you like to hang out with a rich friend who does not iron his shirt or polish his shoes? No … Right? Therefore, we should ensure that even when we're not really rich, we still have a good standard of living and manners. Therefore, we should ensure that even when we're not really rich, we still have a good standard of living and manners.

Our habits also play an important role. Here, I am not talking about only those habits that were taught us in schools or colleges but it is an overall summation of the virtues we should have in life. Habits may be your actions, listening to others, are willing to change, aggressions etc. Suppose if you come across as a person who has an abusive mouth, a fighting attitude, argumentative nature, disrespectful accent or you are a liar, cheater, fraud, betrayal, criminal, woman-beater etc, then people will look at you with a very ugly grin even when you are Sarpanch, MLA, MP, Cabinet Minister in state or centre government, richest person of the society or the most powerful person of the society. We have seen many examples on news channels and newspapers for the past decade when we have seen how billionaires have turned out to be frauds and criminals and have lost all the respect they have earned in their lifetime. So always make sure that you are not involved in some illegal or indecent activity in life. Stay high in regards. And you will see good people contacting themselves and you will see good people approaching you themselves. 
Bhiwani Pariwar Maitri Sangh, New Delhi

Last but the best one is your friend circle. Friendship with good people helps us to eliminate our problems and lessen the burdens of our mind. Friends are a good part of life but not the best until and unless they are not better human beings than you. Always make it sure that your friend circle is awesome. When you and every friend with whom you hang out, go for trips, sit on weekends have amazing personalities and are capable enough in life, people will respect you. It is a powerful fact that every human recognizes / knows that a human being is always like a company of people, just as he / she wants to be. For example if I like traveling places, you will find me connecting with those who are regular trekkers and travelers. If I want to be a famous personality, you will find me meeting with similar faces. So, always make sure that not a single friend of yours is involved in any kind of cheap or bad work. Because of this friend circle, you are going to be judged by the people with whom you talk; though it's occasional. Friends are very important and I have mentioned this point in the end of the post so that this remains in your mind once you read out of this post and enter in to the real world.

Parveen Kumar Sahrawat

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